Blog 6: “A Profile Reading”

For this week’s blog, I decided to choose “The Last Stop” as the profile reading that I would be focusing on. The brief passage that I found to be very vivid and detailed was located in paragraph three.

“It wasn’t at all what I had expected. I thought it would be more like Forest Lawn, serene with lush green lawns and meticulously groomed gardens, a place set apart from the hustle of day-day life. Here instead was an odd pink structure set in the middle of a business district. On top of the Goodbody Mortuaries sign was a large electrical clock”. (Cable, 2002)

I found this passage very detailed. I could picture it perfectly as he spoke about what he thought Goodbody Mortuaries would look like. I had a beautiful picture painted in my head. He made it out to sound like it was going to be such a peaceful, delightful place. He spoke of it having “lush green lawns and meticulously groomed gardens, a place set apart from the hustle of day-day life”. (Cable,2002) This gave me a very vivid picture in my head. It made me think of my house. My step dad stays busy throughout the summer making sure the yard is perfectly cut and the flower beds are exquisite. (Somewhat like what Brian said).

The peaceful image quickly got destroyed by what the place actually looked like. I could picture what it just as well as I could with his thoughts on the place previous to going, but it wasn’t nearly as nice sounding and peaceful to me.

This is just one example of a vivid and detailed passage throughout the reading. There are several very detailed passages throughout it, this one just stood out the most to me.

Word count (297)


Cable, B. (2002). The Last Stop. In R. B. Axelrod, & C. R. Cooper, The Concise Guide To Writing (3rd ed., pp.57-60). New York, NY: Bedford/St. Martin’s.

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